




讲座题目:Safety Compliance of Construction Workers: Perspectives of Multiple Theories

主讲人介绍:赵宪博,现任澳大利亚中央昆士兰大学(Central Queensland University)工程技术学部副教授、博士生导师。于2003年和2007年分别获得东南大学学士和硕士学位,于2014年获得新加坡国立大学博士学位。已发表英文论文150余篇,含113篇国际期刊论文。谷歌学术引用8600余次,H指数为49。目前担任5个国际期刊编委和10余个国际会议学术委员会委员。其研究方向为可持续建设、建设风险与安全和建设组织管理。赵宪博副教授在2021年被《澳大利亚人报》年度研究杂志评为澳大利亚建筑领域顶尖研究者,在2020-2023年连续入选斯坦福大学发布的全球2%顶尖研究者榜单。

报告内容:In Australia, nearly 100% of construction accidents result from non-compliance of construction workers with safety procedures and rules. This talk introduces the antecedents and their effects on construction workers' deep and surface compliance, respectively. Drawing upon the technology acceptance model, the theory of job performance, the trait activation theory, and the social exchange theory, this study proposed a framework for improving safety compliance of construction workers through identifying eight factors relating to construction workers' safety compliance.




讲座题目:From BIM to Twin: Developing Digital Twins for Future Infrastructure and Built Environment

主讲人介绍:陈龙博士是拉夫堡大学建筑建造与土木工程学院副教授、拉夫堡大学-韦莱韬悦(WTW)研究基金博士训练中心副主任。在加入拉夫堡大学之前,陈龙在帝国理工学院系统工程与创新中心担任研究员,并在艾伦·图灵研究所的数据中心工程项目担任数据科学家和访问学者。他于2014年在清华大学获得水利工程学士学位,并于2019年在香港大学获得土木工程博士学位。他的研究专长是数字建造和测量,主要基于建筑信息建模(BIM)、数字孪生、计算机视觉和数据驱动的方法。他作为项目负责人或联合负责人领导了7个研究项目,获得了超过80万英镑的资助,发表了了40多篇论文,参编参写了多部专著教材。曾获得拉夫堡大学杰出表现(Outstanding Performance)奖,拉夫堡大学建筑建造与土木工程学院早期职业成就(Early-career Achievement)奖、CIB WBC 2016最佳论文奖、CIB WBC/IPC 2022最佳论文/最佳展示奖等。

报告内容:Complex infrastructures and built environment are becoming rich sources of data from multidisciplinary models and systems, raising new opportunities to model and manage projects towards the smart, sustainable, and resilient future. Digital twin (DT) provides a digital replica of such assets and processes and is emerging as a data-driven approach to monitor, manage, predict and improve the efficiency and quality of design, construction and operation process. However, there have been two essential problems waiting to be solved for DT: (1) How to construct and update DT for infrastructure and built environment more accurately and conveniently? and (2) How to unlock the full value of DT? This seminar will answer these two questions through presenting recent and ongoing research on geometric and semantic digital twinning and use cases in the UK. It will firstly introduce geometric digital twinning approaches based on images and point cloud data for as-built/as-is buildings and infrastructures, and then present semantic digital twinning approaches based on IFC extensions and multimodal data fusion techniques. The values of DT will be revealed by current best practices in ‘Smart Living Environment,’ ‘Sustainable Transportation’, and ‘Resilient City’.


